Salam mujahadah...
Di sini ana ingin membuat sedikit perkongsian tentang surah yang sering saja kita bacakan..
Namun sejauh mana kita mengambil iktibar darinya…
Mari merenung seketika tafsir ibnu kathir terhadap surah pendek yang penuh makna ini….
They have mentioned that `Amr bin Al-`As went to visit Musaylimah Al-Kadhdhab after the Messenger of Allah was commissioned (as a Prophet) and before `Amr had accepted Islam. Upon his arrival, Musaylimah said to him, "What has been revealed to your friend (Muhammad ) during this time'' `Amr said, "A short and concise Surah has been revealed to him.'' Musaylimah then said, "What is it'' `Amr replied;
وَالْعَصْرِ - إِنَّ الإِنسَـنَ لَفِى خُسْرٍ - إِلاَّ الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ الصَّـلِحَـتِ وَتَوَاصَوْاْ بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْاْ بِالصَّبْر
(By Al-`Asr. Verily, man is in loss. Except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and recommend one another to the truth, and recommend one another to patience.) So Musaylimah thought for a while. Then he said, "Indeed something similar has also been revealed to me.'' `Amr asked him, "What is it'' He replied, "O Wabr (a small, furry mammal; hyrax), O Wabr! You are only two ears and a chest, and the rest of you is digging and burrowing.'' Then he said, "What do you think, O `Amr'' So `Amr said to him, "By Allah! Verily, you know that I know you are lying.'' I saw that Abu Bakr Al-Khara'iti mentioned a chain of narration for part of this story, or what was close to its meaning, in volume two of his famous book Masawi' ul-Akhlaq. The Wabr is a small animal that resembles a cat, and the largest thing on it is its ears and its torso, while the rest of it is ugly. Musayli- mah intended by the composition of these nonsensical verses to produce something which would oppose the Qur'an. Yet, it was not even convin- cing to the idol wor- shipper of that time. At-Tabarani recorded from `Abdullah bin Hisn Abi Madinah that he said, "Whenever two men from the Companions of the Messenger of Allah used to meet, they would not part until one of them had recited Surat Al-`Asr in its entirety to the other, and one of them had given the greetings of peace to the other.'' Ash-Shafi`i said, "If the people were to ponder on this Surah, it would be sufficient for them.''
Malik narrated from Zayd bin Aslam that he said, "It is the evening.'' However, the first view is the popular opinion. Thus, Allah swears by this, that man is in Khusr, which means in loss and destruction.
إِلاَّ الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ الصَّـلِحَـتِ
(Except those who believe and do righteous good deeds) So Allah makes an exception, among the species of man being in loss, for those who believe in their hearts and work righteous deeds with their limbs.
وَتَوَاصَوْاْ بِالْحَقِّ
(And recommend one another to the truth,) This is to perform acts of obedience and avoid the forbidden things.
وَتَوَاصَوْاْ بِالصَّبْر
(And recommend one another to patience.) meaning, with the plots, the evils, and the harms of those who harm people due to their commanding them to do good and forbidding them from evil. This is the end of the Tafsir of Surat Al-`Asr, and all praise and thanks are due to Allah.
Fitrah manusia tidak pernah sunyi dari melakukan kesilapan dan sering lupa..
Masa berlalu dengan pantas..aku hampir terlupa dimana aku berada tika ini dan bagaimana aku bisa berada di sini…dikelilingi oleh insan-insan yang punya seribu satu ragam dan fi’el yang berbeda..
Alhamdulillah aku masih lagi dikurniakan dua nikmat yang besar yakni nikmat iman dan islam…namun dalam banyak-banyak nikmat yang telah dikurniakan ini..sering saja manusia lupa akan dua nikmat yang tiada beda pentingnya dengan nikmat-nikmat yang lain…namun mengapa dua nikmat ini sering dilupakan???
(نعمتان مغبون فيهما كثير من الناس الصحة و الفراغ.)
(رواه البخاري)
Aku ingin menekankan nikmat MASA yang sering saja dilupakan oleh umat kini terutama diri yang sedang berbicara ini..MASA yang ada masih tidak mampu diguna sebaik mungkin..sedang mengaku diri sebagai mujaheedah...
MALU…sungguh memalukan…
Kata al-banna “ tanggungjawab yang ada melebihi MASA yang ada”
Mengapa aku masih punya masa untuk bergelak ketawa...
Punya masa untuk berbicara sesuatu yang tiada hadafnya...
Punya masa untuk memasang lena..
Punya masa untuk terus bergurau senda..
sedangkan kini jiwa-jiwa muda dibutuhkan untuk menegakkan ISLAM semula...
Bukankah masa sangat berharga?? Sehingga Tuhan bersumpah terhadapnya..
Aku tidak mahu terus leka..penciptaanku bukan sia-sia..hidupku perlu penuh bermakna..aku harus keluar dari dunia palsu yang penuh alpa..aku tidak ingin selamanya leka..membuang masa sia-sia..
Firman Tuhan:
'kamu (Wahai umat Muhammad) adalah sebaik-baik umat Yang dilahirkan bagi (faedah) umat manusia, (kerana) kamu menyuruh berbuat Segala perkara Yang baik dan melarang daripada Segala perkara Yang salah (buruk dan keji), serta kamu pula beriman kepada Allah (dengan sebenar-benar iman). dan kalaulah ahli Kitab (Yahudi dan Nasrani) itu beriman (sebagaimana Yang semestinya), tentulah (iman) itu menjadi baik bagi mereka. (Tetapi) di antara mereka ada Yang beriman dan kebanyakan mereka: orang-orang Yang fasik.'
Aku ingin menyahut seruanMU..membenarkan setiap firmanMu kerana selayaknya diriku begitu..sebagai hamba kepada sang Pencipta yang Satu..
waallahu 'alam......
al-waqt kassaif in lam taqto3ahu qoto3aka....
ReplyDeletecik 3affan,tulisan kecik sgt la...pnat baca...huhu
ReplyDeletemaap ana xperasan..nt ana besarkn..sje jer nk biar kecik cm tuan dya...kecik kah??